Miss Elsa Svenson

Spanking & Caning in London with Miss Elsa Svenson


A time for reflection

A time for reflection

By Claris­sa

It was a task she had got used to over the years: the end-of-term review of the Pun­ish­ment Book. In fact, it was the last task she com­plet­ed before writ­ing the girls’ reports.

Miss Sven­son leant down and retrieved a leather-bound book from a bot­tom draw­er of her desk. “Here we go again” she thought to her­self as she thumbed through the entries. Here was the cat­a­logue of pun­ish­ments, and mis­de­meanours. Here were the slip­per­ings, the strap­pings, the junior and senior can­ings; here the hand spank­ings and, on occa­sion, the dress­ings downs. Here were the records of inso­lence, smok­ing and going out-of-bounds. Here were details of names, and forms.

Look­ing through the book, she was pleased to note that, for the most part, pupils had not reof­fend­ed. Of course, there were always excep­tions: Miran­da Spears sprang imme­di­ate­ly to mind.

Miss Sven­son closed the book and picked up a file that was sit­ting on her blot­ter: here were the lines and essays she had set as pun­ish­ment dur­ing term. She leafed care­ful­ly through until she came to a thin sheaf of blue paper, pinned with a paper clip. She slipped off the clip and start­ed to read:

The Mean­ing of Humil­i­a­tion’ by Miran­da Spears, Upper V

 Humil­i­a­tion is about pow­er, and con­trol. Gen­er­al­ly speak­ing, humil­i­a­tion is inflict­ed by those in a posi­tion of author­i­ty upon those in a less­er posi­tion: so the teacher to the school girl, the police­man to the scal­ly­wag, the mas­ter to the ser­vant. Of course, this is not always the case. The school girl can humil­i­ate the teacher, even per­haps if this was not her inten­tion: if the teacher feels humil­i­at­ed, then she is, and the action of the school girl is wrong. 

But is inflict­ing humil­i­a­tion always wrong, or is moral rel­a­tivism at work? The teacher, for exam­ple, will argue that humil­i­at­ing the school girl is for her own good, and will pro­vide some sort of ‘les­son’. That insist­ing a girl bends over, expos­ing her some­times bared bot­tom, and sub­mit­ting to a dose of the strap or the cane with­out recourse to com­plaint will nec­es­sar­i­ly improve her behav­iour. Or will it just inspire resentment?

Miss Sven­son pinned the papers hur­ried­ly back togeth­er and rein­sert­ed them in the file. The spurt of anger she had felt when she had first read the essay came back to her: how dare the girl call into ques­tion her meth­ods – it was more than inso­lent. She had thought about bring­ing her in for a firm talk­ing to, at the very least. But then she had thought bet­ter of it: the essay was well writ­ten and rea­soned, and had been sub­mit­ted on time. Miss Sven­son shook her head, then looked down at her hands; the hands that had inflict­ed so many spank­ings on naughty girls’ bot­toms. She then retrieved a small com­pact mir­ror from the desk and looked for a moment at her face: no, she had no doubt, her meth­ods and moti­va­tions were sound; still, she sup­posed, it didn’t hurt to check once in a while.

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